Become a member

Förderverein Humanitas is open to everybody who is interested in humanitarian work. We are very grateful to all those who support or wish to support FVH as an individual member or as a group (class at school, society, company, etc.) in the form of membership or of a donation.

Become a member now

With the annual membership fee of CHF 150, you already contribute towards improving the living conditions of Gambians. As a member, you will receive an update about our projects on a regular basis. In Switzerland all donations qualify for tax relief and we will gladly provide you with the respective certifiate for your tax returns (in Switzerland).

    Mitgliedschaft als Privatperson
    Fr. 150.– Jahresbeitrag

    Fr. 10.– pro Gruppenmitglied, mindestens Fr. 250.–

    Support now

    In order to continue our ongoing projects and consider new ones for the future, the FVH depends on membership fees and donations. Any amount is highly appreciated and invested with care to maintain a sustainable development of all our projects in The Gambia. Approximately 98 % of all funds raised from our members, friends and charitable institutions go directly into our project work in The Gambia.

    Donate online

    via credit card or paypal

    Donate now easy, uncomplicated and secure via our online donation form. In four easy steps, you may transfer your donation with all usual payment methods.

    By e-banking

    You are welcome to transfer your membership fee or donation directly to our bank account according to the following account details:

    «À fonds perdu.»
    This is how the jargon describes the gracious donation. Gone is gone. Goodbye forever. No investment. Just the idea that it’s good. Falls on good ground. Does good and is well lost. Somehow it hits back. With a feeling of happiness that is hard to grasp. With fruits that slowly ripen.