Since its foundation in 1998, the Förderverein Humanitas FVH has invested more than 2 million Swiss francs in projects in the fields of education, health and agriculture in The Gambia. Since its launch in 2020, our sole focus has been on the Tanji Education Centre for Permaculture (TEC).
Thanks to our many years of experience in development cooperation, we know that education is the only sustainable development aid for a country like The Gambia – be it through school education for children or vocational training for young adults.
At the FVH General Assembly on 2 June 2014, the first step was taken for the Tanji Education Center for Permaculture (TEC). At that time, the FVH Board was mandated to launch a new project that had to be developed sustainably, was committed to education, created jobs and was in the sole responsibility of the FVH. This was triggered by the fact that The Gambia had meanwhile developed into one of the main countries of origin of African refugees and we wanted to initiate a project that would offer young Gambians the perspective of a secure existence.